Tuesday, April 23, 2013


 On Saturday, April 13, Todd, Rachel, Ethan, and Jacob tested and received their blackbelts.  Masters Kim (AJ) and Son were so proud.  Our family members are the 1st blackbelts for the KS Tigers Tae Kwon Do organization.

Jacob is 8, Ethan is 12, Rachel is 14 and Todd is 46.  They had to show their proficiency in three different belt forms, self defense, and one-step sparring.  They also did two different breaking kicks.  Master Kim expressed his gratitude to our family for our support and help in getting KS Tigers opened.

They have been doing Tae Kwon Do for over three years.  Previous to this test the kids had all been lukewarm in their attitudes about TKD but afterwards they all decided they wanted to continue.  Now, it is a matter of fitting it in with all of the basketball and soccer practices and games - at least until June.  It has been amazing to see their progress.  This was the culmination of a goal that Todd has had for over 20 years!

Tons of our family were there to support Todd and the kids including Grandpa Tom, Meagan and her family, Robbie and his girlfriend, Nicholas, Grandma Charlene, and my parents.

After the testing we all went to the Village Inn Restaurant at the District for lunch.  

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