Saturday, September 10, 2011

Rockin' with Rascal Flatts

Last night Todd and I went to the Rascal Flatts concert at the Usana Amphitheater.  There were some thunderstorms right before the concert so we thought we might get rained on but luckily the storm went past right before the show.  The opening acts were Justin Moore and Sara Evans.  Then the main attraction - Rascal Flatts.  They have a lot of video and lights in their shows.  I guess that's what makes the tickets so much.  I asked for tickets for my birthday.  I don't usually ask for anything specific so Todd was more than happy to get me what I wanted.  Our seats were pretty good.  The show started out with the three Rascal Flatts guys banging on drums in the dark.  As they hit each drum the drum lit up.  So the combination of rhythms made it look really cool.  They were pretty funny between songs too.  One of the things they said that sticks out in my mind is when Jay was talking about Joe Don and saying "If you want to know what Justin Bieber will look like in 30 years, here you go."  They were pretty interactive which is cool.  Todd bought me a t-shirt.  One other memorable thing was that we were sitting close to a family that was on the grass.  They had a young child who was really sick.  When Todd asked on the of the staff they said the kid had terminal cancer and only has a couple days to live but he has been to every show at the Usana this summer.  It was really touching to see his parents laying there next to him.  We are so blessed with our health and strength!

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