Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chili Cookoff - Blue and Gold Banquet

This past Tuesday was our Blue and Gold banquet.  The leaders changed it up this year and instead of everyone bringing a decorated cake, everyone brought chili.  My family doesn't really like to eat chili so I don't ever make it.  I did change it up and got a different brand than I've ever purchased before.  they even had a "Best Canned Chili" award but no dice.  Presentation might have had something to do with it.  Most people brought their chili in crock pots and I just put mine in a bowl and heated it up in the microwave.  Just another example of my not liking to cook.

Jacob got a Silver Arrow and he was the star of the wolf pack skit which was really cute but the baby distracted me so I wasn't able to get it on video.  (Todd had to take Noah home because he kept running around - after we got home Noah came and apologized to me for "messing around" and promised not to do it again.)